The much anticipated Mindjammer Roleplaying game goes on sale today in PDF from the Modiphius store and DriveThruRPG
Grab your blaster, thoughtcast your orders to the starship sentience, and fire up the planing engines - come and defend the light of humanity's greatest civilisation as it spreads to the stars!
The ENnie Award-winning transhuman science-fiction RPG setting returns, in a new edition updated and massively expanded for the Fate Core rules. Mindjammer is an action-packed tabletop roleplaying game about heroic adventurers in the galaxy of the far future, filled with virtual realities, sentient starships, realistic aliens, and mysterious worlds.
Using the popular and award-winning Fate Core rules, Mindjammer lets you play hardened mercs, cunning traders, steely-nerved pilots, intrigue-filled spies and culture agents, aliens, divergent hominids, artificial life forms, and even sentient starships.
500 pages containing all the rules needed to play, including:
Mindjammer - The Roleplaying Game can be used to play in the New Commonality of Humankind, or as a complete and detailed transhuman space opera rules set for any science-fiction setting.
You can also get Sarah Newton's fantastic Mindjammer novel for just $3.99 at Modiphius and DriveThruRPG

The ENnie Award-winning transhuman science-fiction RPG setting returns, in a new edition updated and massively expanded for the Fate Core rules. Mindjammer is an action-packed tabletop roleplaying game about heroic adventurers in the galaxy of the far future, filled with virtual realities, sentient starships, realistic aliens, and mysterious worlds.
Using the popular and award-winning Fate Core rules, Mindjammer lets you play hardened mercs, cunning traders, steely-nerved pilots, intrigue-filled spies and culture agents, aliens, divergent hominids, artificial life forms, and even sentient starships.
500 pages containing all the rules needed to play, including:
- Full rules for starships, organisations, and culture operations.
- Detailed character cultures, genotypes, and occupations - play a sentient starship!
- New and innovative rules for describing planets, star systems, and alien life
- Deep background material on the New Commonality of Humankind
- Rules for the Mindscape and virtual worlds
- Starmaps and planet descriptions, histories and background
- Hyper-advanced equipment, weaponry, enhancements, starships, and more.
Mindjammer - The Roleplaying Game can be used to play in the New Commonality of Humankind, or as a complete and detailed transhuman space opera rules set for any science-fiction setting.
You can also get Sarah Newton's fantastic Mindjammer novel for just $3.99 at Modiphius and DriveThruRPG